Mosaic Atlas



Mosaic Associations Worldwide

UK - BAMM - British Association for Modern Mosaic

USA - SAMA - Society of American Mosaic Artists

Australasia - MAANZ - Mosaic Association of Australia and New Zealand

AIMC - International - Associazione Internazionale Mosaicisti Contemporanei

Germany - DOMO - Deutche Organisation Fur Mosaikkunst E.V

Netherlands - Mozaiek Gilde - Netwerk Nederlandse mozaïekkunstenaars

Japan - MAAJ - Mosaic Art Association of Japan

South Africa - MASA - Mosaic Art Association of South Africa


Other Resources

Mosaic Suppliers: The SAMA and BAMM websites have a comprehensive list of mosaic supply businesses.

Fine Art Mosaics - An online community for mosaic artists interested in sharing information, photos, tips and technique

MAO - Mosaic Artist Org - Yahoo Group for mosaic artists around the world.

Mosaic Art Source Blog - This blog by Donna Young (Vancouver, Canada) is one of the most comprehensive listing of all things mosaic. You will spend hours looking at all the eye candy on this site.


Mosaic Art Now Online

Mosaic Art Now brings the very best in contemporary mosaic art to the internet through a blog, Facebook and Twitter pages. Mosaic Art Now


Mosaic Matters

- online mosaic magazine. Mosaic Matters


Virtual visits to mosaics in the UK, Spain, Italy, and France

- This web site has many pictures of some of the iconic European classical mosaics. Joy of Shards"